Prototype C11


Single channel video, 3.29 minutes

Spinning like a luxurious object on display, Prototype C11 captures a camellia flower in majestic digital detail. As the sound of 3D printers whir and crackle in the background, the video's slow traction inspects the finely rendered folds and edges of its structure. Gliding between close views and abstract angles, the object is considered like an exotic, coloured landscape. Lilac, fuchsia, and red stripe upwards in painterly gestures, and the yellow-speckled stamen rendered obscure in the centre is encased by a grid-like triangular shell. These glitchy tell-tales of mechanical intuition mark the shadows and contours of the petals, merging the natural and technological into one harmonious design. Acknowledging the camellia's relationship with luxury and mass production through the globalisation of tea, the flower is offered as a technical prototype for manufacturing.


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